Okay, so I was thinking that since I didn't start this blog until Aleah and Sophie were almost one, that I would go back and write about all their firsts. I missed out of a whole year of important things worth blogging about. One day I want them to be able to read this and see their whole lives and all those wonderful memories. So I will start with their first day.
It was Saturday April 24, 2010 around 9:30 pm, Josh and I were watching House "Knight Fall" and my water suddenly broke. We were in shock because I still had two weeks before I was suppose to get induced. We figured if I had made it this far carrying twins than, I would make it until they decided to induce. Boy were we wrong. Josh called the hospital and told them to be expecting us. We were running around the house trying pack a bag for the hospital. Josh went out to put the car seats in the car. We finally got it together and we were on our way.
The car ride was miserable for me because the contractions were strong and apparently I had been having them all day and didn't know that's what they were. The hospital was only 15 minutes away from our house. We arrived there around 11 pm. Thankfully because I needed something for the pain. We had several friends arrive sometime later and they stayed in the waiting room the whole night. My mom got the at about 4:30 am from Mobile, Al. I had called her right after my water broke and she got ready and drove in the middle of the night 4 hours to be there.
At 8:38 am on April 25, 2010, my first little bundle of joy decided to make her entrance to the world. Aleah Lucille Bartlett had arrived and weighed 5lbs 1oz and was 18 inches in length. Three minutes later at 8:41 am Sophie Kay Bartlett joined us. She weighed 4lbs 15oz and was also 18 inches long. From that moment I knew I was in love. They complete me. They complete us!
Aleah Lucille Bartlett |
Sophie Kay Bartlett |
Our first family photo! |
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Best Friends! |
They day we went home!
I know this is over a year later but I really just wanted to tell their whole story staring from the beginning of their lives! And also I wanted to thank all of the very special people in our lives who came out that night and over the three days we were in the hospital! Every one of you made the first few days of their lives very special for us! We love you guys!