Light a candle, it'll help to remind you
Of your time together on earth,
and as the flame flickers, remember
Her kindness, her goodness, her worth.
So, glow little candle, that briefly,
You'll know that her memory can't die,
As you see her sweet face in the glowing,
Shed a tear, say a prayer, then goodbye.

Of your time together on earth,
and as the flame flickers, remember
Her kindness, her goodness, her worth.
So, glow little candle, that briefly,
You'll know that her memory can't die,
As you see her sweet face in the glowing,
Shed a tear, say a prayer, then goodbye.

I will always think of "Nan" when I light a candle because every time I came to her house she had a candle lit in every room. It always smelled so nice. My wonderful mother in law will be missed dearly. She had such a soft sweet voice that I've had on my mind lately. I feel like I can still hear her talking to us. This all just seems so unreal. Please pray for our family. I can't stand to see my loved ones hurting. I can't stand to have a hurt heart either.
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